Jingyi Wang/王敬仪

Cystal Clear (晶莹剔透)

"Self-sign" is a better way to understand identity and ways of thinking and is very personal by nature.

‘Crystal Clear (晶莹剔透)’ is a three-channel film, that lives on one screen. My film is a “mixture of my body experience”, which recounts fragmentary memories of my family and surroundings, as a re-creation and repetition of the present.

I am applying images as a mapping of the inner consciousness while applying the philosophy of "heteroglossia". I also explore the different voices and perspectives reflected by society in the context of postmodernism and globalization.


I think we are experiencing “ambiguity” in everyday life, much the same as the relationship between moving images and screens.


Jingyi Wang (Aria Wang) was born in Hebei, China.


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