Qiaoyan Zhu

Daydream Day

This research explores the state of dissociation between reality and virtuality and considers the boundaries between real life and subconscious minds. The completion of the project is dependent on the internet: I like to create without the restriction of geographical and spiritual space.

Everyone uses the same internet and electronic devices. We are all the same and equal. All of our lives were affected by the unexpected outbreak in 2020. I started to live without leaving home in China, and my life became dependent on the internet. Various screens would attract my attention - windows on the screen, screens on the computer. I looked through the window into the outside world - one screen could be one world. These thoughts may just be daydreaming, but I am trying to explain these sensations through the devices' screens and draw your attention to them.

Qiaoyan Zhu 2020 1
Link to the game [ https://act.evkworld.com/evk/#/?id=1351360268436692994 ]

I record video and create animations to convey my feelings and understanding of daily life. I see it as a narrative record. The audience may not find a purpose, and that's what I'm trying to accomplish. I hope they look at the life I feel with a sense of purposelessness, which may alienate them or may feel familiar - and that's the boundary between us: the screen is working.

Qiaoyan Zhu 2020 B3
Qiaoyan Zhu Win
Link to the video - Windows [ https://youtu.be/EUg4jtYhMjI ]
Qiaoyan Zhu 2020Right
Link to the video - Entrance [ https://youtu.be/tsAlI73Bg1Y ] | Exit [ https://youtu.be/AFmRYv0qGts ]

These electronic devices - televisions, mobile phones and computer screens connect the inside world of me and the outside world of you.

My perspective can also be seen as the boundary in my reality and opposite the virtual you. Our intersection is right between the screens.

This way of changing the angle of thinking and the position of observation also affects spatial distance and immersive transformation. Different ways of thinking and dreaming can provide us with a way to the 'virtual world', and perhaps, a new 'real world'.

Qiaoyan Zhu 2020 4
Link to the video - Fragment [ https://youtu.be/n6sABPhX1pM ]
Qiaoyan Zhu 2020 2

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