Honor Hamlet

You'll Turn Into A Biscuit

43 A0980Web
Eating Fruit Loops
“Beneath the same bush rests his brother. What serves one will serve t'other”
— 'Epitaph for a robin', Horace Wapole 1717-1719

Major premise: Nothing is better than eternal happiness.

Minor premise: A ham sandwich is better than nothing.

Conclusion: A ham sandwich is better than eternal happiness.

— (Wikipedia, ‘The Free Encyclopedia’)


YouTube Publication Title: “Žižek-What are habbits?”

“indeed, what are habbits?”

“indeed, what are hobbits”

“We are hobbits.”

“what are rabbits?”

“habbits are female hobbits”

— (From the comments)

43 A0978Web
'It was a very sunny day and all I could think of was...' (with sculpture by Aidan McNeillage)
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