
Emblem and Myth

027 A7543
Installation view
“The artistically cultivated senses of the new generation will again restore pure, holy art.”
— Friedrich Froebel (1782-1852)

Situated within the field of geometric abstraction, I am interested in discovering the 'spiritual' through an investigation of the 'modernist grid' and its variations.

027 A7539
"Step Back Gaze Out", Oil on linen, 2000x1600mm, 2019

A central part of my research has been the way the grid has functioned in art as addressed by Rosalind Krauss in her seminal essay 'Grids'. While appearing scientific, mathematical and modern, the grid's mythical power enables it to act as a symbolist window, offering an opportunity to explore the 'universal' and idealised truth.

[1] Krauss, Rosalind E. The Originality of the Avant-garde and Other Modernist Myths. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1985

027 A7553
Installation of small works - Oil on linen, 250x200mm, 2019

In my work, I seek to create an amalgamation of thoughts around connectedness inspired by the grid and the principles of Theosophy, coupled with my Jewish heritage and the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Aleph (which is shaped like a portion of a grid). By playing with, and subverting geometric forms, I am hoping to make an unanticipated, enlightened discovery.

027 A7556
"Self-portrait as Space Particles", Oil on linen, 850x650mm, 2019, "Self-portrait as Stardust", Oil on linen, 850x650mm, 2019, "Self-portrait as Moonrock", Oil on linen, 850x650mm, 2019
027 A7550
"Froebel's Gifts", Copper rod, 2019

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