Kathy-Lee Dixon

'frames & bodies'

027 A3357
'I feel as if you left me here alone' (2016).

A hermeneutic interpretation of a contemplative space manifests a deeper level of awareness, often presenting and confronting one’s human solidarity. 

Being aware elicits movement in thinking as an ongoing exercise of reflexivity upon our relational realities in and to the world.

'frames & bodies' explore existential twinship connections of the self and my lived experience as a fraternal twin. The rigid frames and soft sculptural bodies are inanimate objects yet convey highly emotive postures associated to the human condition. The gestures expose a vulnerability and are intentionally paired alongside the structural works to reflect the dominant constructions of social and cultural perceptions of self.  

Img 7267
'fragmentation' (2016).
Img 7286
'co-twinship' (2016).
Img 7289
'inextricably linked' (2016).
027 A3360
'two halves make a whole except when broken' (2016).
'square peg in a round hole' (2016)
'construction (a)' (2016).

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