James S Watson

The St James Barnacled with Laughter, Stained with Tears

Intro Image
“I must not leave the truth unstated, that it is again no question of expediency or feeling whether we shall preserve the buildings of past times or not. We have no right whatever to touch them. They are not ours.”
— John Ruskin
Landscape Intro Mural
The St James Theatre - Auckland's Architectural Geode (4.5m x 1.5m Photomural Printed on Ilford Smooth Pearl 310gsm paper)
Lady Library
Lady of the Lost Library - Cast Bronze
My Lady Of Fading Memories
My Lady of Fading Memories - Cast Bronze

“I must not leave the truth unstated, that it is again no question of expediency or feeling whether we shall preserve the buildings of past times or not. We have no right whatever to touch them. They are not ours. They belong partly to those who built them, and partly to all the generations who are to follow us. The dead have still their right in them: that which they laboured for, the praise of achievement or whatsoever else it might be which in those buildings they intended to be permanent, we have no right to obliterate.”1

  1. Ruskin, John. 2001. The Seven Lamps Of Architecture. London: Electric Book Co.
Table Newspaper Photo
Newspaper pages from Papers Past (1927 to 1945)
Table Tiles Poster
Handmade newspaper reading table (Right). Ice Follies - 6 colour screen-print (Left)
Pile Tiles
Pile of tiles - handmade, painted and gilded (Plaster of Paris, acrylic, gold & silver leaf)

I just want to take a moment to thank the following people who have helped make this project a reality this year.

First I need to thank Kerron Smith, not only did you give me so much of your time, slotting me into your busy schedule, you made yourself available to me. Your Insights and thoughtfulness have been greatly appreciated and I hope that my work makes you proud, because I felt blessed to have had some time to talk to you.

Second I want to thank Bob and Michele Kerridge for their time, and Bob for his dedication to protecting the St James Theatre. 

Third I would like to thank David Hartnell for the insights and the time you gave me.

Fourth & Fifth I would like to thank Johnny Mulvey and Nick Dwyer for taking the time to write out an email response to my interview questions. I appreciate the work that you did.

I would like to thank Kevin Church at Opticmix for the gorgeous printing job on my large mural. I couldn't be happier with it.

Janette Dalley from NewsPix... Thank you for supplying me with so much pictorial history. The walls are so much fuller thanks to your support.

Finally I want to thank all of the technical staff that have helped me with the various parts of my project. Especially Bronte Perry and Scott Facer, who helped me to build the plinth and the Newspaper Reading Table. Last but not least Darren Glass, thank you for the inspiration, support and laughs... It made my journey at Elam memorable to say the least.


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