Ekaterina Dimieva

Slipping, Switching, Stumbling

Intro Img Ekaterina
Twist, 1200x1500mm, acrylic on canvas and Swing, 1200x1500mm, acrylic on canvas

This project explores multiplicity, heterogeneity and difference in contemporary abstract painting.

My work may be described as having rhizomatic qualities – it might include clusters, strands, strips, bands, flows and currents; it could be characterised by quirky disjunction or intricate irregularity.

I focus on developing paintings that could be considered 'influx', undergoing transformation, 'becoming'.

According to Deleuze and Guattari's definition, each picture could be viewed as a plateau - "a continuous, self-vibrating region of intensity". These works could function as 'assemblages', charged with tension and combining multiple, interfering forces.

The majority of the works displayed here are characterised by a certain complexity and thickness of the picture surface, which encourages the viewer's eye to continually shift in the painting, searching endlessly for the next movement or displacement.

I deliberately chose the 1200 x 1500mm portrait format to allow for the scale of the gesture, while echoing the size of the human body to embody multiplicity.

Swoop Img Ekaterina
Swoop, 1200x1500mm, acrylic on canvas
Full Size Img 3Pntgs Ek
Full Size Img 2 Ekaterina
Full Size Img3
Full Size Img4
Twirl, 1200x1500mm, acrylic on canvas
Full Size Img5
Cashmere Sky, 1200x2000mm, acrylic on canvas
Full Size Img6
Swoop 1031
Swoop, 1200x1500mm, acrylic on canvas
Shapeofdreams 768
Cashmere Sky, 1200x2000mm, acrylic on canvas

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